Ba M’buta: Ancestral Connections from the Kongo to the Americas with Africa Aye, Ibboru, Ricardo Lemvo & Makina Loca

ricardo_lemvo_makina_locaSunday August 16 7:30 PM

Lincoln Center Out of Doors
Josie Robertson Plaza, Damrosch Park
New York, NY

The transatlantic slave route brought sacred rhythms that have infused popular music with multiple meanings. Africa Aye, composed of Kongo master traditional drummers, present vibrant root rhythms. In singer-percussionist Pedro Martinez’s Ibboru, experience the journey to the Kongo-rooted rhythms of rumba and Efik rhythms, still celebrated in the secret male society of the Abakuas. Singer-bandleader Ricardo Lemvo’s brilliant repertoire, which includes songs in English, French, Spanish, and Lingala, unites the rich dance rhythms of the Diaspora.(Source)